Beat the Heat at Knoebels!

Visiting Knoebels on a hot summer day? No worries! Here are some ways to beat the heat!


Picture of Knoebels Bottled Water in Front of Power Surge Ride.

The first topic on this list HAS to be H2O! The most important thing to remember on a hot day at Knoebels, is that you need to stay hydrated! There's no doubt our First Aid team is pleasant and knowledgeable, but they'd much rather you have fun in the park than visit them! Water fountains can be found throughout the park (ask a friendly team member for the closest), or water is available for purchase for $2.50 per bottle. Don't like either of those options? You're welcome to bring your own!

In addition to drinking plenty of water, make sure you take regular breaks in the shade on one of our many park benches, or in one of our air-conditioned facilities... More info below!


Picture of Two People in a Knoebels Shop

During every visit to Knoebels, you should make it a point to check out the merchandise in our unique gift shops! On a hot day, the fact that all indoor gift shops are air conditioned makes it an absolute must. We're confident you'll find everything "Knoebels" that you've ever wanted... And, you'll likely find things you never knew you needed!

Crystal Pool & Splashtastic Rides

Mom and Daughter at Crystal Pool Play Area

While visiting Knoebels, don't forget about our 900,000 gallon Crystal Pool filled with refreshing mountain stream water! The pool area includes waterslides, diving boards, climbing nets, a kiddie play area, and its own refreshment stand!

When it comes to cooling off in the park, there are two Knoebels rides that come to mind. All you have to do is decide if you want to be drenched from head to toe, or enjoy a refreshing splash. Decisions, decisions! Ok, fine... We won't make you choose one or the other. Here's a better idea: Start off with the Giant Flume, then get Sklooosh'd!

Alamo Restaurant & Sweet Treats

Picture of Woman Eating Alamo Chicken and Waffles

Knoebels regularly receives the honors of "Best Amusement Park Food" in the world... YUM! Alamo Restaurant is part of the reason for that, and a hot day is the perfect excuse to enjoy this full-service dining (and the AC that comes along with it).

We know some visitors like to stay on-the-go at Knoebels. So, if you don't want to stop for lunch or dinner, take a break in the shade and enjoy a cool treat (snow cone, soft ice cream, Dole Whip, frozen yogurt, hard ice cream, cheesecake - yes, we have cheesecake... on a stick, frozen apple cider, fresh squeezed or frozen lemonade, frozen iced tea... you get the point!).

Here's another air conditioned option that you might not know about - Located next to the park/campground at Knoebels Three Ponds Golf Club is Nickle Plate Bar & Grill! Check it out for some great food AND adult beverages!

COOL Attractions & Museums

Picture of the Knoebels' Attraction, Lazer Maze

We have 60+ rides to enjoy, so we understand how our attractions might get overlooked. There are several you won't want to miss on a hot day!

XD Theater: If you enjoy 3D movies, then you’ll love our 4D motion ride experience in Roaring Creek Saloon! You have the opportunity to interact with four different movies! See, hear and feel the action as you are immersed in new and exciting worlds!

Lazer Command: Test your skills and stealth against your friends with our indoor laser tag game! Play the role of secret agent as you navigate through this dark neon adventure and stay on your toes as you navigate the obstacles! When you're done with that, check out our our Lazer Maze challenge! Using agility, quick thinking, and speed, players avoid a field of laser beams to engage mission objectives. Or, try the Beam Buster mode and break as many laser beams as possible!

Museums: Cool off while learning by visiting our free museums! Located near the Tilt-A-Whirl, the Knoebels Carousel Museum features over 50 carousel figures, scenery panels, chariot sides and other memorabilia from carousels dating back to 1870. To the right of the Giant Flume, is the combination Knoebels History and Mining museums! Follow us through time, and see how Knoebels evolved into the park it is today, or take a walk through a tribute to our region's history and see genuine tools and artifacts from the mining days!

A Reminder About our Four-Legged Friends... 

We understand that dogs are an important part of the family, which is why we're a dog-friendly amusement park. However, it's important to remember that they didn't put on their favorite pair of sneakers before they made their way to Knoebels. In other words, their paws are directly in contact with the ground, which can be MUCH hotter than the hot air temperature. Be sure to protect your pup's paws, and avoid prolonged exposure to hot temperatures.